Mr. Memento
Short film

Short Film
Mr. Memento

Mr. Memento
Director: Chris Heck
Writer: Chris Heck
Producers: Kieran Thompson, Stephen Russell, Chris Heck
Starring: Richard Lippert & Gabrielle Stone
Director’s Statement:
Death comes in many forms. It can be the death of a loved one, the death of love, or even the death of one’s self. Our ancestors had a closer proximity to death, and thus, a greater acceptance. During the early years of photography families would often even commission photographs of their dead loved ones. These memento mori served as a constant reminder that death was always looming and never escapable.
Our protagonist collects these photographs. None of anyone he has known or loved, but those discarded. His gallery wall, nearly complete, has become his magnum opus, and today he receives the final piece. That final piece that will teach him to accept death. Always looming, inescapable death.
This year has reminded me too of death’s inevitability. I’ve experienced not only the passing of three close family members but also relationships, both professional and romantic, and on the eve of my 30th birthday I contemplate the passing of my youth. So I am channeling that into the one thing I know; storytelling. My magnum opus: Mr. Memento.
- C.H.